Need expert support with autism early intervention
or with your child’s challenging behavior?
You have concerns about your child’s development.
You know that quality early intervention is key.
You have come to the right place.
Request an initial consultation to learn how we can partner with you to help your child reach his/her greatest potential.
What sets Early Start Autism apart?
We are highly specialized in early intervention. Our family and child-centered focus harnesses each child’s unique interests and motivation for maximized learning.
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
ABA services utilize the science of behavior to increase important social behaviors and decrease problem behaviors. Early Start Autism strives to utilize ABA methods that are based on very current research, are compassionate, and highly individualized to the specific needs of the child and family.

Early Intervention (EI)
Research has shown that quality early intervention can improve a child’s overall development, and lay the foundation for a better life. Read more about Early Signs of Autism.
Early Start Denver Model (ESDM)
ESDM is a naturalistic behavioral therapy that integrates a relationship-focused, developmental model which promotes normal development of brain and behavior.