ABA Telehealth

What Is Telehealth?

Telehealth is the use of technology (ex. computers, smart phones, tablets, etc.) that allows experts in a specific field to provide real-time training, consultation, and delivery of services across geographical distances.

  • Telehealth has been used for over 30 years, and has been successfully used by professionals in many fields, such as: speech and language pathologist, psychiatrist, medical doctors.
  • Research about the use of telehealth by applied behavior analysts is promising, suggesting that telehealth is effective, cost-effective, and acceptable by the consumers.

Why use Telehealth?

In today’s age of increased awareness of staying healthy and safe, telehealth provides an opportunity for families to receive the services they need from the safety of their own homes.

  • Access to experts in the field
  • Parents are coached on utilizing evidenced based teaching strategies while they are interacting with their child
  • Parents are actively coached in dealing with problem behaviors in the moment and in the environment where the behaviors occur
  • Child can receive ABA therapy through telehealth
  • Convenient
  • Flexible